Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mailbox - Letters from Fans and Friends

Dear Johnette:

I teach Pre-K at St. John Elementary in Lake Charles and you visited our students last year as part of the Banners Series. You were planning to do a certain show, but when we told you the kids know all of your LA books and songs you did your book show. You also signed all of your books for us. I have to tell you that we started our 4 week long Louisiana unit and I pulled your books out today. One of my children asked who "colored" in my book and I told them your story. They were so excited that I got to meet a "real" author (as they put it). Thank you so much for making books and reading come to life for young children. I appreciate your enthusiasm :)

-Katherine Yoes

Thanks Katherine! I appreciate your enthusiasm and kindness for writing such a nice note!

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