Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Music Monthly - September 2008

I offer a music activity each month in my email newsletter that goes out to 5000 fans and friends. I have had such positive feedback from educators and parents on the email newsletter list who say they use the activity each month with the children in their care. Therefore, I am going to offer the Music Monthly activity each month here on my Blog as well. Feel free to use the activity with the children in your care and give proper usage credit. Thanks and enjoy!

Roll Call
by Johnette Downing
Copyright 2008 Johnette Downing

Let’s add a little music to roll call in school or at home by singing the names of children in your care. An easy way to do this is by using the tones in do, ra, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do. For two syllable names, I use “so-ra” for the syllable tones. For three syllable names, I use “so-ra-do.” Play around with tones to see which ones you like.

If you are musically inclined, play the notes on an instrument while you sing roll call. For a greater challenge, assign each child their own name tone and use it throughout the school year. You just might be amazed to see how quickly the children learn the name tones and sing each other’s name as well.

Have a musical month!

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